8 Reasons Why Shakeology is the BEST choice! www.facebook.com/blessedtotalfitness 1. Shakeology is not only a meal replacement shake that people can use for weight loss, it’s also a nutritional supplement HEALTH shake which taste like a dessert that can be used to promote overall wellness. Not a protein shake. If you’re not currently meeting your required daily servings of fruits and vegetables, then a glass of Shakeology will give your body the beneficial nutrients you need from clean, whole food sources. See the results of that clinical trial here http://youtu.be/flyp-72pBQk Many people confuse shakeology with a shakes they can get at GNC or other vitamin stores. Here is HOW its different http://youtu.be/me15POjiEnE . 2. Shakeology is the only meal replacement shake on the market that boasts more than 70 natural whole food ingredients in its formulation. Other meal replacement shakes simply lower the carbohydrate content and increas...